Pray the Lord of the Harvest to Send Out Laborers into His Harvest
LUKE 10:2

Church Consulting, Training and Coaching
As a para-church ministry, Kingdom Works comes alongside the church to develop new ministries and make existing ministries more effective. We provide training and coaching to help the church be even more successful in its ministries.
Below are some of the services available:
- Church Revitalization & Growth Consulting/Coaching
- Church Health and Growth Institute
- Church Planters Institute
- New Ministry Development Institute
- Facilitation of Meeting, Retreats and Strategic Planning
- New Ministry Development
- Organization, Program & Curriculum Development
- Pastor Coaching & Leadership Team Coaching
- Leadership & Discipleship Training
- Spiritual Gifts Assessment & Assimilation

Church Health and Growth Institute
Below is a representation of classes and workshops offered by the Institute:
- Laying A Solid Foundation -Church Planters & New Pastors Training
- Preparation to Lead Strategic Planning for Church
- Engaging the Laity
- Closing the Back Door
- Becoming a Missional Church
- Understanding Where Your Congregation is on the Life Cycle of a Congregation and How to Respond
- Health Church Assessment and Development
- The Fifth Discipline & Becoming A Learning Organization
- Leading Congregational Change
- Conflict Resolution
- Strategic Planning
- Planning & Facilitating Retreats
- Webinars globally
- National and international workshops and conferences.

“A Transformational Experience for Organizational Renewal”
Ready to take your church or organization to the NEXT LEVEL? Plan a NEXT LEVEL RETREAT with your board and leadership. Develop a Short Term Action Plan for the Year or Long Term Strategic Plan.
- Redefine your purpose
- Recapture a clear vision
Our Services
- Consultation
- Event / Meeting Design
- Facilitation
- Visioning
- Develop Operational Strategy & Plan
- Re-aligning Organizational Structure with your new vision
- Team Coaching for Implementation & New Ministry Development
- Monitoring for Accountability
- Full Strategic Plan
Preparing your Church for Strategic Planning
Classes will be offered to senior pastors of established churches on how to prepare their congregation for strategic planning to increase member engagement in ministry.

Revitalize Your Church
By Pastor Camelia Joseph
Rick Warren, Senior Pastors of Saddle Back Church
“If you serve in a church that has plateaued, is declining, or is simply discouraged, your most important task is to redefine your purpose. Forget everything else until you have established it in the minds of your members. Recapture a clear vision of what God wants to do in and through your church family. Absolutely nothing will revitalize a discouraged church faster than an rediscovering its purpose.” Purpose Driven Church pg. 81
“…Write the Vision, make it plain upon tablets,
that he may run that readeth it.” Habakkuk 2:2
Turn Around Churches
Declining Churches / Stagnant Churches
Many of our churches are suffering. Evangelism ministry is at an all-time low. Many Pastors and leaders are at a loss and do not know what to do. If that’s your church, don’t fret, we can help. God has equipped and anointed us to help turn around declining ministries and bring healing and hope to the pastors and members.
Growing Churches
Other churches are growing, the alters are full Sunday morning but, you don’t have the capacity to manage the growth. The question is how do you build capacity to keep growing. We can help you build capacity to continue healthy growth.
Life Cycle of the Church
Like any other organization, the church has a “life cycle” as shown in the image below:

Once the church reaches the top of the arch (Prime/maturity), if no action is done to start a new loop upward, it begins to move down the right side of the life cycle into decline. Unfortunately, some churches suffer from early decline or death and never reach prime.

When you are approaching or at the top of the life cycle, how do you reverse the signs of aging to stay in Prime?
To reverse aging (Stay in Prime) you must continuously Redefine your purpose, Recapture a clear vision and Develop new strategic directions every three to five years because the times are continuously changing.
- Some call this “redefine, revival, redevelopment, revitalization or rebirth.”
- Rick Warren calls it “redefining, recapturing and rediscovering”.
- Habakkuk says we must “writing the vision, and making it plain . . .that he may run (be inspired to run) that readeth it”.
Where is your church on the Life Cycle?
- Determine if you need Redefinition, Redevelopment or Rebirth.
- If your church is growing, get help now to stay on top – you can avoid ever going into decline by starting a new loop in your life cycle–going up again while you are still in Prime/Maturity- Renewal by Re-visioning your future.

- If your church is plateaued or declining, get help now. If your church has declining health you need revitalization or if it is at old age, you need redevelopment to regain the life and vitality of the congregation as indicated in the image below. At all stages, you have to go back to “Rediscovering” and “Re-visioning” your purpose.