KW Employment and Training Services
KW Employment and Training Services (KWETS) is a faith-based organization specializing in providing qualified dependable employees to businesses. We have helped small, mid-size and Fortune 500 employers hire thousands of individuals who proved to be excellent workers. We are very much interested in adding your company to our list of satisfied customers. We provide employees for all types of positions from factory, office, health care, retail, distribution center, hotel, restaurant, fast food and more. We can assist you with filling from entry level to professional positions.

Who We Are
KW Employment and Training Services is a dba of Kingdom Works, Inc. a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. We have operated an Employment Services Program for people with disabilities in the Greater Houston area through a contract with Texas Workforce Commission -Vocational Rehabilitation Services (Formerly DARS) since 2014. We have been blessed with the opportunity to serve many persons with disability in their quest to secure competitive employment and supported them during the transition of becoming full or part-time employed.
Our CEO, Pastor Camelia Joseph, has been in the employment and training field for over 20 years. She has served people with disabilities 15 plus years and placed hundreds in competitive employment in jobs they love.
Job Readiness Training
Job Placement Services
Supported Employment
Work Readiness Training
Vocational Adjustment Training
Work Experience
Job Placement
Job Readiness Training
Non-Bundled Job Placement Services is for the Customers who does not need the assistance of an Employment Service Provider to be placed in a job but would benefit from training in job search skills, completing job applications, assistance with developing their resume and Job Interview Skills. The classes include two components:

Employment Data Sheet, Application, and Résumé Training Service
This service is designed to teach customers the knowledge and skills necessary to complete job applications and résumés.

Interview Training
Interview training is designed to teach customers the knowledge and skills necessary to complete a job interview and use an “elevator speech” successfully.

Job Placement Services
Bundled Job Placement Services is for Customers who need a combination of Job Readiness Training, job placement and post-employment support.

Job Skills Training
Job Skills Training: provided to Customer who needs support learning the skills of their job after placement. The Job Skills Trainer teaches and reinforces skills; and develops or sets up accommodations and/or compensatory techniques to increase the customer’s independence and ability to meet the employer’s expectations.

Supported Employment Overview
Supported Employment Services enables customers with the most significant disabilities to enter competitive integrated employment by:
- providing individualized assistance in finding an appropriate job match;
- providing ongoing support services; and
- establishing extended services, sometimes called long-term supports, for the customer to maintain a long-term competitive integrated employment outcome by:
- identifying resources to deliver the extended services;
- training extended services providers;
- confirming that extended services are in place, if needed, to make sure the job is stable; and
- ensuring all known needs are met before achievement of SE Benchmark 6, Service Closure.

Work Readiness Program

Work Readiness Training Classes (Vocational Adjustment Training)
Work Readiness Services prepare participants to excel in their abilities to successfully obtain and maintain competitive integrated employment. The training addresses disability issues, interpersonal skills training, daily living skills, and issues that interfere with obtaining or maintaining employment to support customers in achieving work readiness. Work Readiness Services benefits customers who have never worked, have not worked for a long time, or have a sporadic work history, and it prepares customers for successful employment so that they can manage or address vocational impairments and be self-sufficient. Work Readiness Services can be offered in groups and individually. The following classes are offered through Work Readiness:
Vocational Adjustment Training (VAT)
- VAT Explore the “You” in Work;
- VAT Soft Skills to Pay the Bills—Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success;
- VAT Soft Skills for Work Success;
- VAT Entering the World of Work;
- VAT Preparing for a Job Search Training—(Pre-ETS) Customers Only;
- VAT Disability Disclosure Training;
- VAT Money Smart—A Financial Education Training;
- VAT Public Transportation Training;
- VAT Specialized Evaluation; and
- VAT Specialized.

Work Experience Services (On-The-Job Learning)
Work Experience services allow a customer to be placed at a business or agency within the community to learn skills for long-term, competitive, integrated employment. These entities are referred to as “Work Experience sites.” Work Experience services are intended to be short term (12 or fewer weeks) and part-time. Work Experience can take place in a volunteer, internship, or temporary short-term paid-work setting. Work Experience services are available for students or youth with disabilities and basic Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) customers and may be used to determine a customer’s eligibility for VR. Work Experience may assist in:
- determining if a customer is ready for competitive, integrated employment;
- evaluating if, after a change in the customer’s abilities or newly acquired vocational barriers, the customer continues to have the capacity to work in a particular field;
- exploring a customer’s career options;
- developing skills to increase a customer’s employability; and/or
- giving a customer additional experience related to vocational training or a degree.
Work Experience services provide an opportunity for customers to:
- learn and experience work culture;
- identify career interests;
- explore potential career goals;
- identify on-the-job support needs;
- develop employability skills and good work habits;
- gain an understanding of employer expectations;
- build self-confidence;
- develop soft and hard skills;
- gain work experience and competencies in a vocation;
- develop an understanding of the workplace; and/or
- gain the connection between working and earning.
A Message to Customers and their Families from Our Director
I am so excited about this opportunity to provide employment services to you. I have helped hundreds of persons with disabilities secure gainful employment in positions and companies they loved. As Director of Job Placement Services, for one of the country’s premier rehabilitation centers, Rochester Rehabilitation Center in Rochester, NY (seven years), my greatest fulfillment was to see the joy of our customers and their families after completing their first year of employment in a job they loved. The same is possible for you or your love one. Our commitment to you is to assist you in finding the right fit where you may find long term employment or a position that is a “Stepping Stone” to the job of your dream. We must be realistic about what you can do but I promise our staff’s goal is to help you reach your maximum potential. Contact your TWC-VR Counselor for a referral. Let’s see how we can help.
Pastor Camelia Joseph
CEO / Director of Employment Services Program